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Managing Poor Parking Reports in the Task Manager

Managing Poor Parking Reports in the Task Manager

Managing Poor Parking Reports in the Task Manager

As an operator, you have the ability to login to the task manager and view poor parking reports for your company. Each poor parking report gives you the ability to record the report as either “Fixed”, “Reject”, or “Will Do”. Lastly, a reported poorly parked scooter will automatically be marked as fixed if an MDS-event occurs. You can now find an explanation to each option with an example.

As an operator, you have the ability to login to the task manager and view poor parking reports for your company. Each poor parking report gives you the ability to record the report as either “Fixed”, “Reject”, or “Will Do”. Lastly, a reported poorly parked scooter will automatically be marked as fixed if an MDS-event occurs. You can now find an explanation to each option with an example.

As an operator, you have the ability to login to the task manager and view poor parking reports for your company. Each poor parking report gives you the ability to record the report as either “Fixed”, “Reject”, or “Will Do”. Lastly, a reported poorly parked scooter will automatically be marked as fixed if an MDS-event occurs. You can now find an explanation to each option with an example.

Reject: You can select “Reject” if there is no violation visible in the photo. This indicates that you are rejecting the poor parking report because it was incorrectly reported.

Reject: You can select “Reject” if there is no violation visible in the photo. This indicates that you are rejecting the poor parking report because it was incorrectly reported.

Fixed: You can select “Fixed” if you have manually fixed the reported poorly parked scooter. This indicates that you have manually moved or corrected the violation that has been reported.

Will Do: You can select “Will Do” if you plan to fix the reported poorly parked scooter. This indicates that you are planning to, or in the process of, fixing the reported parking violation.

Lastly, a poor parking report will automatically be marked as “Fixed” if an MDS-event has occurred. This means that the scooter in question has had another user start a new ride, in turn fixing the reported parking violation automatically.

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