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PROW - Public Right of Way
The time vehicles spend in public space under the available, reserved, on_trip, and non_operational states.
Vehicles in PROW
Average number of vehicles in PROW throughout the day. This includes all vehicles that are parked, non-operational, on tour, reserved, and vehicles with an unknown status.
Trips per vehicle per day
This is calculated as the number of trips divided by the number of vehicles in PROW. For a trip to be counted, it must be longer than 60 seconds and have a valid start and end.
Time vehicles are available
This is calculated as the proportion of PROW time a vehicle is free and available for hire (i.e. not out of battery, out on a trip, reserved, or otherwise unavailable).
Time vehicles are in use
This is the proportion of the PROW time the vehicles are on a trip with a user.
Average time vehicles are available between each trip
This is the average time it takes from a vehicle being parked after the end of a trip, until the next trip starts. Here we disregard vehicles that are unavailable.
Average trip starts per available vehicle calculation
This metric is calculated by taking the total trip starts for the selected time period, dividing it by the average number of vehicles in public right-of-way (PROW), and then dividing by the number of days in the period. The average number of vehicles in PROW is determined by first averaging the number of vehicles observed in 24 hourly snapshots for each day, and then averaging these daily averages over the entire period (e.g., a month).
Key metrics
The key metrics are presented as an average over the selected time period.
Poor Parking
Reports reviewed within 24 hours
Number of reports reviewed by operator compared to number of reports not reviewed. Review means operator opens the report in the Task Manager.
Reports fixed within 24 hours
This chart categorizes the reports into groups. MDS Fixed means the scooter which has an open poor parking report started a new trip and therefore the report was fixed. Fixed means the operator fixed the report in the Task Manager after manually moving the vehicle. Rejected means that the operator saw the report in the Task Manager and decided to reject the report based on the provided photo. Not fixed means the poor parking report is still ongoing.
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